New Summer Hours: Monday thru Saturday 6am-8pm; Sunday 6am-5pm!

scent dispersal

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  • The Super Dragger’s super absorbent microfiber is designed to hold more lure for more effective scent dispersement. Use a Dragger during the breeding season when the bucks are in search of a doe. If a buck locates or smells the trail of a doe, he will follow it to see if she is in estrus. This technique allows the hunter to lay a continuous scent trail to their hunting location. Includes a handy clip and six feet of line. Simply attach to a belt loop or backpack, soak the rag, drop and drag.

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  • The new Tink’s® Boot Pads enables you to apply your favorite Tink’s® lure and trail it all the way to your stand. Super absorbent and easy to use, Tink’s® Boot Pads mean less mess and more success this fall.

    Each pack contains one pair. To use, simply slip the elastic band over your boot, positioning the pad beneath the arch of your foot. Soak the pad with scent and you’re ready to go. Boot Pads are washable (hang dry).

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