Winter Store Hours: Mon. thru Sat. 6am-7pm; Sun. 6am-5pm.

deer attractant

Showing 1–24 of 28 results

  • Looks like dirt; tastes like molasses; attracts like crazy. Dirtbag® virtually disappears to the human eye, but deer can see it thanks to Glo-Cote® UV enhancement technology. Deer will love the aroma of dried molasses, and you’ll love the habits they form looking for it.

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  • Stratton Outdoor Products

    Super intensity scent dispenser that you can apply, hang, drag.  Extra thick for maximum use!

    Bottled locally in Rhodes, Michigan

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  • Tink’s® #69 Doe-In-Rut® Buck Lure is 100% natural doe estrous urine collected from live whitetail does during their estrous cycle. Tink’s® quality controlled formula keeps Tink’s® #69 Doe-In-Rut® Buck Lure at the peak level of performance. Tink’s® #69 Doe-In-Rut® Buck Lure, the standard on which all deer lures are measured, produces great results during the pre-rut and rut. Tink’s® #69 Doe-In-Rut® Buck Lure is America’s #1 Buck Lure!

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  • Stratton Outdoor Products

    You can’s improve mother nature!  Deer lures are made from whitetail deer on the Stratton’s Deer Farm.  Lures are 100% the real thing!  Will attract the big bucks!

    Bottled locally in Rhodes, Michigan

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  • The original Tink’s® #69 Doe-In-Rut® now in gel form! Won’t wash away in rain and won’t dry in wind. Apply to overhanging limbs for best results.

    Tink’s® #69 Doe-In-Rut® Buck Lure is 100% natural doe estrous urine collected from live whitetail does during their estrous cycle. Tink’s® quality controlled formula keeps Tink’s® #69 Doe-In-Rut® Buck Lure at the peak level of performance. Tink’s® #69 Doe-In-Rut® Buck Lure, the standard on which all deer lures are measured, produces great results during the pre-rut and rut. Tink’s® #69 Doe-In-Rut® Buck Lure is America’s #1 Buck Lure!

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  • Increase your chances of catching a prized stag with the Wildlife Research Center Magnum Scrape-Dripper. It is designed to get nocturnal patterned bucks to come out during daytime hours. You can use it for two to three weeks on 4 fl oz of scent, depending on temperature swings. It will conveniently shut down to conserve the attractant in rain and bad weather conditions. This 4 fl oz scent dripper gradually intensifies over time to get bucks even more riled up. It also does not require batteries to use and is simple to set up.

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  • Wildlife Research Center’s Synthetic Ultimate Buck Lure combines synthetic doe estrus with additional attraction qualities to produce a lure that brings big bucks in during all hunting seasons. Super Charged® with Scent Reflex™ to deliver stronger, more consistent scent.

    1 fl oz

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  • Stratton Outdoor Products

    Doe Urine-Whitetail

    • Fresh from the deer farm
    • Bottled locally in Rhodes, MI
    • 100% Reel
    • 4 fluid ounces
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  • A deadly combination of Black Widow Hot-N-Ready doe estrus blended with just the right amout of pure vanilla.  After years of testing we have perfected this combination, that will drive the bucks crazy & not spook the does.  It’s benn well known for years that deer love the smell of vanilla, but paired with Black Widow’s Hot-N-Ready Estrus makes for an unbeatable combination. Great on drags, wicks and drippers.


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  • Reg. $11.99             Save $2.00

    Use Buck Bomb Scrape Generator while in your stand or blind, or when stalking deer to create a barrier of cover scent between you and the animal. The atomized scent is equally effective when used on scent trails, in mock scrapes, or when applied to a decoy to ramp up the enticement level. The convenience of Buck Bomb Scrape Generator simply means spray-and-go when you’re applying deer lure scent.

    Each can of Buck Bomb features the NVERTR 180-degree ball valve that allows it to be sprayed in short bursts—even upside down. Or, lock down the valve and empty the contents all at once to unleash a potent cloud of scent that can travel in excess of a quarter mile on a 3 mph breeze.

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  • Reg. $11.99             Save $2.00

    Doe P Scent is made from 100% pure urine taken from young does and fawns, attracting bucks to your location. When sprayed, the potent gas cloud travels up to 1/4 mile, leaving a scent trail that bucks will follow back to you. In addition, this works as a cover scent to disguise your presence from approaching game.


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  • This ESTRUS urine is collected only at the peak of the Estrus Cycle from the mature dominant does in the herd. These are the does the “BIG BUCKS” prefer to breed with. We carefully collect and bottle this urine so it is one doe per bottle. Making “The Matriarch” the most premium estrus lure on the market.


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  • Stratton Outdoor Products

    Dirty Dozen Fresh Scrape

    • Up to a dozen bucks and does per bottle
    • Fresh from the deer farm
    • Bottled locally in Rhodes, MI
    • 4 fluid ounces
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  • Reg. $ 9.99    Save $ 2.00

    Buck Bomb 2 Hot Does™ contains urine from two does, collected during the peak of their estrus cycle. Use 2 Hot Does to imitate two estrus does in your hunting area to draw in bucks looking for a double play. 2 Hot Does will boost drawing power of mock scrapes particularly during the pre-rut through the peak of the breeding period.

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  • Stratton Outdoor Products

    Dirty Dozen Buck-P

    • Up to a dozen bucks per bottle
    • Fresh from the deer farm
    • Bottled locally in Rhodes, MI
    • 100% Real
    • 4 Fluid Ounces
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  • Antler King has researched deer nutrition for over 30 years. In the past couple of years, research has pointed to the vast importance of certain special trace minerals that will greatly enhance overall health and antler growth. ANTLER KING’S POWER RACK is loaded with these SPECIAL trace minerals and in the proper proportion. POWER RACK may be used as the sole source of your mineral feeding program or for MAXIMUM ANTLER GROWTH, mix one bag of POWER RACK with one bag of ANTLER KING’S TROPHY DEER MINERAL.

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  • Reg. $ 11.99      Save $ 3.00

    Buck Bomb Scrape Kit

    The Buck Bomb Scrape Kit includes both the 2oz Scrape Generator scent as well as the 2oz Synthetic Forehead Gland, a deadly combination for attracting bucks throughout the rut. Forehead Gland imitates the scent that comes from the forehead of a buck when he makes a rub, while Scrape Generator utilizes both Doe ‘n Estrus and BucRut scent to create the situation of a hot doe and buck in the area. This kit is perfect to use in mock scrapes to cause bucks to come claim their territory. Also includes 4 spike wicks to use with the scents.

    Kit Includes:

    2oz Scrape Generator

    2oz Synthetic Forehead Gland

    4 spike wicks

    Model: 200040

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  • Save keep your attractant scent active in wet conditions with these innovative rainproof wicks. The patented precipitation-shedding construction also prevent the wick from being blown off branches in windy conditions. Contains a special nonreactive felt wick and screw-on seal

    3 pack

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  • Reg. $ 9.99    Save $ 2.00

    Buck Bomb Scrape Generator contains pure, fresh urine from estrus does and rutting bucks. As the same scent that is used in the Scrape Generator Bomb, Scrape Generator will boost the drawing power of your mock scrapes particularly during the peak of the rut. The easy-to-use dropper bottle contains premium, potent Scrape Generator liquid urine attractant.

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  • Trophy Buck Lure is 100% natural rutting buck urine collected from dominant bucks and reinforced with tarsal gland and interdigital gland secretions. The rutting odor of a buck induces a territorial challenge to another buck and provokes him to seek out the foreign buck. Tink’s Trophy Buck Lure works as a curiosity lure in early season when bucks often travel in bachelor groups.


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  • SAVE $ 4.00

    Buck Bomb Doe ‘N Estrus contains 100% urine that is collected from does during the peak of the estrus cycle. As the same estrus that is used in Buck Bomb aerosols, Doe ‘N Estrus urine will boost the drawing power of your mock scrapes particularly during the peak of the rut.

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  • Never under estimate the power of hormones! Doe in Estrus from Wildlife Research Center has been known to turn many a young buck’s head. All you have to do is wait patiently, and when he comes looking for his lady, you’ve got him!


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  • Wildlife Research Center’s Synthetic Estrus Gold mimics the scent of fresh high-quality doe estrus urine to drive big bucks crazy during the rut. Super Charged® with Scent Reflex™ to deliver stronger, more consistent scent that has far-reaching attraction.  Includes two Key-Wicks.

    1 fl oz

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  • Trophy Buck Lure is 100% natural rutting buck urine collected from dominant bucks and reinforced with tarsal gland and interdigital gland secretions. The rutting odor of a buck induces a territorial challenge to another buck and provokes him to seek out the foreign buck. Excellent product to use when rattling or grunting. Tink’s Trophy Buck Lure works as a curiosity lure in early season when bucks often travel in bachelor groups. Scent Bombs the most efficient and convenient way to disperse scent today.


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