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As the adult fly emerges from the pupal stage into an adult fly they’re very vulnerable as a fish food source. All species of freshwater game fish consume most food underwater as emerging flies, fish eggs, smaller fish and other insects represented as wet fly patterns, like the Royal Coachman and gnat
A simple egg fly pattern for great lakes Salmon, Steelhead, and Trout which should be in very steel headers fly box sure to have a fish catching fly.
As the adult fly emerges from the pupal stage into an adult fly they’re very vulnerable as a fish food source. All species of freshwater game fish consume most food underwater as emerging flies, fish eggs, smaller fish and other insects represented as wet fly patterns, like the Royal Coachman and gnat.
Get the advantage of the 8 most popular basic bass fly patterns with the Perfect Hatch® Grab N Go Bass Fly Assortment. Enjoy a great day of fly fishing with these flies.
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