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Bring in rutting bucks with Code Red® Doe Estrous Blend made of 100% pure doe estrous urine for powerful attraction. Great for late-season use on a drag rag.
This rounded rectangular tube frame features a spacious 33.5″ x 24″ foot platform and a durable mesh 20.5” x 15.5” flip-up seat. Also includes a footrest for maximum comfort, double-crimped platform cables, and Realtree Xtra accented backpack straps for easy transport.
Tink’s® #69 Doe-In-Rut® Buck Lure is 100% natural doe estrous urine collected from live whitetail does during their estrous cycle. Tink’s® quality controlled formula keeps Tink’s® #69 Doe-In-Rut® Buck Lure at the peak level of performance. Tink’s® #69 Doe-In-Rut® Buck Lure, the standard on which all deer lures are measured, produces great results during the pre-rut and rut. Tink’s® #69 Doe-In-Rut® Buck Lure is America’s #1 Buck Lure!