- Attracts rutting bucks
- 100% pure doe estrous urine for powerful attraction
- Great for late-season use on a drag rag
Bring in rutting bucks with Code Red® Doe Estrous Blend made of 100% pure doe estrous urine for powerful attraction. Great for late-season use on a drag rag.
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North America’s Most Popular Portable Propane Heater! This patented radiant 4,000-9,000 BTU Liquid Propane heater connects directly to a 1 lb. cylinder and is the perfect solution for heating enclosed spaces like large tents up to 225 sq. ft. The expertly engineered size to BTU ratio is augmented with a fold down handle to give this heater maximum output while retaining a minimalistic footprint. A swivel regulator gives you the ability to adapt usage from a disposable cylinder to a remote gas supply with the purchase of a hose and filter. To light the unit, simply rotate the knob to pilot and push. Then the integrated Piezo sparking mechanism will take care of the rest. With the Oxygen Depletion Sensor (ODS) and accidental tip-over safety shut-off you can be sure that you will enjoy years of comfortable indoor safe heat.
Ideal Northern Edge Legume Mix is a long-lasting (3 to 5 years) perennial mix adapted to a wide range of soil and environmental conditions, including lighter soils that dry out quickly.
Each of the six components that make up the six components that make up this mix were selected for their persistence, high protein levels, mineral content, high digestibility and palatability.
Ideal Northern Edge Legume Mix will green up early in the spring and produce forage until a hard freeze occurs. It is recommended to mow or clip the plot whenever the alfalfa starts to bloom to generate new growth which deer love IDEAL
“THE CAN®” family has truly revolutionized deer hunting. The bleats that are reproduced by these calls have been proven to be dramatically successful. Now there is a “CAN®” for any season and condition, so you can take advantage of those special days when you’re in the deer woods, you won’t be disappointed.
The Long CAN® produces longer, more intense Estrus™ Bleats, which lets bucks know there is a doe that’s ready to be bred. During the pre-rut and rut this is the sound bucks are listening for. Be sure you are set up in an area where bucks have to come in and search for the doe when you call.