- Attracts rutting bucks
- 100% pure doe estrous urine for powerful attraction
- Great for late-season use on a drag rag
New Summer Hours: Monday thru Saturday 6am-8pm; Sunday 6am-5pm!
Bring in rutting bucks with Code Red® Doe Estrous Blend made of 100% pure doe estrous urine for powerful attraction. Great for late-season use on a drag rag.
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Coil Spring Traps are foot-hold restraining devices used to catch and hold wild animals. This style of trap has been in use since the early part of the 20th century and is widely accepted as a cost effective and efficient tool for managing wildlife populations.
Primos has been trusted by individuals for decades. Products that are made of quality material and designed to withstand the toughest environments. Trust the Brand that others in the field Use and don’t settle for less
The Long CAN® produces longer, more intense Estrus™ Bleats, which lets bucks know there is a doe that’s ready to be bred. During the pre-rut and rut this is the sound bucks are listening for. Be sure you are set up in an area where bucks have to come in and search for the doe when you call.