- Farm Fresh Preserved
- 2 fluid ounces
- Bottled locally in Rhodes, MI
One Hot Doe – Blazing Hot Heat – Doe Estrous Scent
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Coil Spring Traps are foot-hold restraining devices used to catch and hold wild animals. This style of trap has been in use since the early part of the 20th century and is widely accepted as a cost effective and efficient tool for managing wildlife populations.
Tink’s® #69 Doe-In-Rut® Buck Lure is 100% natural doe estrous urine collected from live whitetail does during their estrous cycle. Tink’s® quality controlled formula keeps Tink’s® #69 Doe-In-Rut® Buck Lure at the peak level of performance. Tink’s® #69 Doe-In-Rut® Buck Lure, the standard on which all deer lures are measured, produces great results during the pre-rut and rut. Tink’s® #69 Doe-In-Rut® Buck Lure is America’s #1 Buck Lure!
Ideal Northern Edge Legume Mix is a long-lasting (3 to 5 years) perennial mix adapted to a wide range of soil and environmental conditions, including lighter soils that dry out quickly.
Each of the six components that make up the six components that make up this mix were selected for their persistence, high protein levels, mineral content, high digestibility and palatability.
Ideal Northern Edge Legume Mix will green up early in the spring and produce forage until a hard freeze occurs. It is recommended to mow or clip the plot whenever the alfalfa starts to bloom to generate new growth which deer love IDEAL
Patented Scent Wafer technology makes pure, concentrated scent part of the wafer itself. Wafers are long lasting and renew themselves in their storage containers.