“Freddy Fernortner Fearless First Grader,” 13 book series by Kids Club Friend, Johnathan Rand, stars Freddie, Darla, Chipper, Mr. Chewy, and their wacky, fun adventures!
Get your child to read with these exciting books meant to keep their minds captivated.
Recommended Reading ages 5 – 7.
“Freddy Fernortner Fearless First Grader,” 13 book series by Kids Club Friend, Johnathan Rand, stars Freddie, Darla, Chipper, Mr. Chewy, and their wacky, fun adventures!
BOOK | #1 The Fantastic Flying Bicycle, #2 The Super-Scary Night Thingy, #3 A Haunting We Will Go, #4 Freddie's Dog Walking Service, #5 The Big Box Fort, #6 Mr. Chewy's Big Adventure, #7 The Magical Wading Pool, #8 Chipper's Crazy Carnival, #9 Attack of the Dust Bunnies From Outer Space, #10 The Pond Monster, #11 Tadpole Trouble, #12 FrankenFreddie!, #13 Day of the Dinosaurs |