- Stay clean while dressing game
- Includes a pair of shoulder-length gloves with elastic bands at the top
- Lightly powdered, latex-free form-fitting gloves
- Towelette
Store Hours: Monday thru Saturday 6am-8pm; Sunday 6am-5pm! CLOSED Thanksgiving.
Use HME™ Products Game-Cleaning Gloves to stay clean while dressing your game. Includes a pair of shoulder-length gloves with elastic bands at the top, as well as a pair of lightly powdered, latex-free form-fitting gloves to suit all your dressing needs.
In stock
Duke Body Gripping Traps are rotating jaw traps used to quickly catch and dispatch wild animals.
“THE CAN®” family has truly revolutionized deer hunting. The bleats that are reproduced by these calls have been proven to be dramatically successful. Now there is a “CAN®” for any season and condition, so you can take advantage of those special days when you’re in the deer woods, you won’t be disappointed.
Northern Edge Habitat Heaven has been designed to attract and hold game birds and other wildlife in the area and provide excellent cover for the entire season. This mix has also been known to be used by whitetail as an essential bedding area. This mixture of native grasses will provide shelter as well as offer escape routes from predators
The first Step in establishing a successful food plot is to have a soil test taken of the area to be planted. The soil test will indicate any adjustments needed in regards to pH and provide recommended fertilizer requirements. Without a soil test we recommend 300 pounds of 12-12-12 and 500 to 2,000 pounds of lime per acre.