Winter Store Hours: Mon. thru Sat. 6am-7pm; Sun. 6am-5pm.

Kids Club Sign Up

Parents, get your kids into the KIDS CLUB at Northwoods Wholesale Outlet by filling out the form below.

But first… let’s answer some Frequently Asked Questions!

Why create a kids club?

The mission of the Kids Club at Northwoods Wholesale Outlet is to promote and encourage literacy, connecting kids to nature and the outdoors. Reading, learning, and exploring help to educate, inspire, and join us. We passionately encourage families to support these efforts.

How do I sign my family up? Is there a cost?

Northwoods Wholesale Outlet allows Parents/Guardians, over the age of 18 to register the children in their family. There is no fee to join this fun and educational club! You will receive a welcome gift free for signing up! We are strictly promoting the encouragement of kid’s reading and being outdoors.

Why do you need a Legal Parent or Guardian’s email and contact information?

The Kids Club at Northwoods Wholesale Outlet will communicate with a Legal Parent/Guardian on upcoming news, events, giveaways, and opportunities for you and your family to participate in, on a quarterly basis. We will NEVER sell, share or use your information for any other purposes outside of Northwoods Wholesale Outlet. We will only directly communicate with the Parent/Guardian, over the age 18. It will be the Parent/Guardian’s responsibility to share the information with their household/children. You may unsubscribe or opt-out of any communications, at any time in the future. There is no purchase necessary to participate.

As promised… the KIDS CLUB sign-up form!